Österreichische Akademie für Psychologen | ÖAP

European Psychology in the Wake of the War in Ukraine. Initiatives and Impact

 28.11.2023 von 18:00 bis 20:00 Uhr | Zoom


Joint-Event of the European Federation of Psychologists Associations, and BÖP

Presentations will share perspectives of individual psychologists, national and European psy-chological organisations in response to war in Ukraine. Speakers will address the challenges and needs of Ukrainian psychologists and describe how the work of psychologists is organ-ised during the war. There will be a personal reflection of how the war in Ukraine affects the life and practice of psychologist in one European country.

Individual talks:

  • ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Beate Wimmer Puchinger, BÖP President
  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Steinebach, EFPA President
  • Dr. Robertas Povilaitis, EFPA Board of Directors
  • Dr. Valeriia Palii, President of National Psychological Association of Ukraine
  • Prof. Dr. Paulius Skruibis, Vilnius University

Online registration, no later than Nov. 27th, 2023

For Austrian (BÖP) participants the event will be free of charge, continuing educations points will be provided in line with Psychologengesetz 2013, 2 units.

Veranstaltet von

  • Fachsektion Notfall

Landesgruppen / Fachsektionen

  • Landesgruppe Wien
  • Fachsektion Notfallpsychologie


Online via Zoom